**Pay attention to your rabbits--The first sign of an ill rabbit is when
it slow's or stops it's eating completely.
*1.Study the breed(s)that you are planning on raising.(For example,you don't
want a breed such as Angoras that need to be groomed a lot,if you don't have time for it)
*2.Be sure that the your cages are big enough for the breeds that you are planning on
raising.{A rabbit weighing 7 pounds and under should have a cage at least 24"x24".}
*3.Keep cages clean and free from manure build up.
(You will get maggots and they will harm your rabbits.)
*4.Purchase a good quality feed for your rabbits. At least 16% protein.
*5.Keep fresh clean water available at all times.
*6.Develop a feeding schedule and follow it everyday.
*7.Protect your rabbits from the elements. Wind and heat can be dangerous for your rabbits.
Use frozen bottles in the summer time to keep your rabbits cool. Heat above 85 degrees,can cause death in rabbits.
*8.Teach young kids how to handle rabbits so that they are gentle with
*9.Search for a good reputable breeder that knows the breeds of rabbits well.
*10. Purchase from a clean well maintained rabbitry.
*11.Show your rabbits at the Local Fairs and ARBA sanctioned shows.
*12. Always love your Rabbits and little bunnies!!!!
*13. Give your rabbits apple branches to chew- It keeps their teeth in shape. {It also
prevents Malloclusion- or buck teeth.}